Lertlah School Kanchanapisek Road

Renovations to Improve School Facilities

Lertlah School Kanchanapisek Road has continuously allocated a yearly budget to renovate the School’s buildings and facilities. From 2017 to 2020, the School has carried out renovation for the followings:
Year 2017: Built STEAM Room, Music Room, Cooking Room and iPad Room at the Kindergarten Building
Year 2018: Renovated the Gymnasium-Auditorium and the EFC Room (English for Communication)
Year 2019: Renovated the iMac Lab, Cooking Room, Music Room and Art Studio at the Primary-Secondary
Year 2020: Renovated the classrooms at both the Kindergarten Building and the Primary-Secondary
Moreover, the School also procured new technological devices to enhance our student’s educational development, such as new iPads, new iMac, televisions or projectors for each classroom.